Our factory in Vietnam processed many drawings of parts to build custom machineries, automation equipment, motorcycles, electronic devices, and more.

Along with various post processing operations, from surface finishing to assembly. Our goal is to provide you with a full range of integrated manufacturing services at a lower overhead cost, better quality control and lead time.

  • Hardworking, dedicated, open-minded.
  • Listen, modify, optimize quality performance.
  • Core goal: "customer satisfaction".


Our main machining services include


If you are looking for the best place for mechanical processing,
you can choose Nam Long because


Experienced team of engineers and flexible production methods mean faster manufacturing and shorter lead times.

We have a team of experienced engineers and deep understanding of mechanical processing. With flexibility in production methods, we ensure that your production process is carried out quickly and efficiently. Our engineering team is always ready to advise and suggest the best solutions for your project, from simple machining to complex jobs. With flexibility and improvisation, it is guaranteed that your project will be completed correctly and in a short time.

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nam long industry

Contact us today to start your project!

With competitive prices, experienced engineers and flexible manufacturing methods, we are committed to bringing you the best quality and performance in machining services.