STEEL Structural Processing

Accuracy and Reliability in Steel Structure Fabrication

The fabrication process is so much more than just cutting and rolling steel. Structural steel fabrication is an extremely precise process where the components must be fabricated and prepared exactly to the specifications set in the blueprints and shop drawings from the initial planning stages. At Nam Long, we are committed to bringing precision and reliability to the steel structure fabrication process, ensuring that the structure is complete, consistent and strong enough to withstand the elements.

  • Hardworking, dedicated, open-minded.
  • Listen, modify, optimize quality performance.
  • Core goal: "customer satisfaction".

STEEL Structural Processing

The major stages that are involved in
the structural steel fabrication process are

STEEL Structural Processing


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nam long industry

Contact us today to start your project!

Are you looking for a reliable and professional partner in steel structure fabrication? We at Nam Long have a team with rich experience and expertise in providing high quality structural steel fabrication services. Contact us today so we can work with you on your precise and reliable structural steel fabrication process.